Tuesday, 1 May 2012


SKFF Festival Director, Paul Harris, had the opportunity to interview Top 100 participant, Ben Matthews, who was recently nominated for a 'Student Oscar'. The interview can be heard at http://www.rrr.org.au/program/film-buff-s-forecast/ and here's a brief profile of the young director: 

Graduate of AFTRS (Australian Film, Television and Radio School), Ben Matthews wrote the first story outline for his short film Emily while living in Los Angeles. Prior to his directorial debut, he studied acting at New York's Atlantic Theatre Company. Treading the boards gave him an appreciation of the importance of a strong story, which he notes as being "really revered in theatre, [but] it isn't always in Hollywood."
    Emily is a psychological thriller about the homecoming of the disturbed title character. Originally written as a drama, it evolved into a rain-drenched, Polanski-esque character study. The sparse set design and slow, lingering shots coupled with the powerful performances result in palpable tension -- not a film for the faint-hearted. The focus on character in 'Emily' might be a reflection of Matthews' background. The actors are the driving forces in the film -- an approach that results in the personal intensity.
     When asked by Paul Harris about the production's success, Matthews described his Oscar nod as a "huge thrill", citing his cinematographer Joshua Flavell and cast member Roxanne Wilson as being  integral creative contributors.
     This particular intern has a feeling Mr Matthews has an interesting future awaiting him, no matter what the outcome of the Student Oscars will be.

'Emily' will be screening at 1.30pm on Saturday 26th of May, The Astor Theatre as part of SKFF's ' Australia's Top 100 Short Films'   

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