Thursday, 26 April 2012

Roger Corman: King of the B’s

If you’re a mainstream movie fanatic, you might be surprised to find out that one of the most influential people in Hollywood is the prolific master of B-movies, Roger Corman.
‘Who? What? Why?’ asks a man wearing a ketchup-stained Transformers t-shirt. Well, Transformers fan, Corman is one of the great pioneers of modern cinema. Without his groundbreaking efforts in guerrilla filmmaking and expansion of genre pictures into adult territory, the first blockbusters – Jaws and Star Wars – might have been made differently, or not exist at all.
In a career spanning over 50 years, Corman has produced and/or directed around 400 films, including a series of Edgar Allen Poe adaptations, the ‘first LSD movie’ The Trip, and a bikie movie starring Nancy Sinatra and Peter Fonda (Wild Angels). His influence on directors such as Martin Scorsese helped bring counter-culture into the light, and out of the shadows of post-war US conservatism.
Another indelible mark he made on the cinematic landscape was his distribution of art house films to the American masses through his small studio ‘New World Pictures’. Akira Kurasawa and Ingmar Bergman (among others) finally gained exposure and the potential of art house was recognised by other industry movers and shakers. 
But it wasn’t all subtle and arty cinemaaahh. Exploitation films of every variety, brimming with sexual liberation and advocating civil rights, were produced by Corman – a fact not lost on Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez, who recently paid homage to the legend in their ‘Grind House’ double feature. 
 ‘Corman At Ya’ is the late night showcase of Corman’s very best bits – a collation of ‘B’ cinema in ‘A’ form. Compiled by Mark Hartley (director of brilliant ‘Ozploitation’ documentary Not Quite Hollywood) and Jamie Blanks (who recently remade the classic Aussie thriller Long Weekend), trailer after trailer will inspire you to raid garage sales in search for trashy treasure. 
For some interesting facts about Corman’s impact on modern Hollywood, check out this link:

What? Corman At Ya!
When? Friday 25th of May – 11pm 
Where? The Astor Theatre
Check the St Kilda Film Festival website for updates on ticketing information in early May!

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