Sunday, 20 May 2012

Interview Corman at Ya!

Jamie Blanks and Mark Hartley Interviewed on RRR's Film Buff's Forecast

St Kilda Film Festival's trailer tribute to the "undisputed King of the Bs", Roger Corman, will be screened this Friday from 11pm at The Astor Theatre. For the late-night session, the superbly talented Mark Hartley and Jamie Blanks have compiled the best "money shots" from Corman's long career in film. Paul Harris interviewed them on his Film Buff's Forecast radio show, to get their perspective on Corman and his film career -- with the privilege of "access to Joe Dante's archive".

The dangerous babes that inhabited Corman's world!
When creating a compilation of Corman's filmography highlights, Blanks and Hartley decided "the best way to do it, is to find the best trailers" -- to gather all the strangest snippets of arresting imagery, and accompanying swellings of music. In other words, creating a showcase of mini-films -- a cinematic licorice all-sorts if you will.

"The first half [of the program] is films Corman directed himself," says Hartley, "the second half will be those [films] he produced". They agree they're "in love with the trailers from the 70s" -- an era in which Corman was particularly active. Harris concurs that he loves"the old school trailers" because they "are in effect like going down sideshow alley -- going by all these carny spruikers, trying to get people into their tents". According to Blanks, Hartley and Harris, the intriguing, playful and teasing nature of yesteryear's trailers contrasts drastically to today's trailers which Harris says "are something to be endured" rather than enjoyed.

To expand your opinion of trailers, come along and be swept away in a high tide of DRAMA! INTRIGUE! ROMANCE!

Corman at Ya! 
@ The Astor
11pm to 12.30am 
Friday, May 25 

To listen to the interview, check out  and click the link to Film Buff's Forecast
For more information about Roger Corman, go to

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