Thursday, 29 March 2012

Happy Friday Everyone!

It’s the end of another week at St Kilda Film Festival HQ and what a week it has been! The Top 100 Short Films in Australia list has been finalised; the logistics of Opening Night are being fine-tuned; exciting speakers for the filmmaker development program are already doing their vocal warm-ups; sponsorship and marketing plans and deals are in the final stages of negotiation; and I got to finally speak one-on-one with Paul Harris, the festival director.
Paul Harris is a film buff. I might be stating the obvious, but I’m being serious. He is freakishly fit, in the filmic sense – hence the name of his radio show, Film Buffs Forecast, on Triple R. Over his years of experience in the local film industry, he has been an exhibitor of films, member of the AFI, programmer at MIFF, and radio broadcaster extraordinaire. All of these roles have afforded him the opportunity to convey his wide knowledge of cinema and to understand the nature of the often unpredictable beast that is Australian cinema. 
The St Kilda Film Festival is Harris’ baby, and he is as enthusiastic as ever about the festival. He describes it as a unique Melbourne institution because it is a “community-based festival” which is targeted at people who are very ‘into’ film culture. He also sets apart the SKFF from other Melbourne film festivals, because this festival is “focused on shorts” and showcases such a diverse range of local talent.
One thing that has Harris particularly excited for this year’s festival are the venues. The famous 3000-seat Palais Theatre is the location for St Kilda Film Festival Opening Night – a splendid setting for a night of cinematic diversity and Industry mingling. The Palais opened as picture theatre originally and has been used for many purposes since, but to have SKFF in its cavernous space annually is a fond nod to the past.
Post-Opening Night, the 75-year-old Astor Theatre will be the primary venue for screenings.  This cinema has the biggest cinema screen in the Southern Hemisphere and will allow newcomer filmmakers to see their works on a truly ‘big screen’.  New projection technology also allows the films to be exhibited in near IMAX quality, allowing an experience trumping prior festivals.
He describes the audiences for the SKFF not unlike those at comedy clubs – ready to judge critically, but with an open mind.  With the festival’s emphasis placed on short film, Paul Harris has some handy tips on short film making for future auteurs and cinephiles alike:
-          The shorter, the more commercially viable – therefore the more attractive to media outlets
-          Think of your short film as being a person on the street in a crowded city, trying to get noticed. In order to stand out, you need to have something different about the way the film looks and seems. If it’s immediately ‘something else’, you’re probably on the right track.
-          A short film doesn’t need to be technically brilliant – what it needs is to be engaging. It doesn’t matter how much you’ve spent on your production, it’s the idea and the way in which that’s presented, that matters.
-          If it’s your first attempt at short film, consider starting with an autobiographical work. Much like the rule of writing (write what you know), make something that reflects your life and world. It will be more empathetic and believable.
-          Remember that short films are a training ground from which your filmic style naturally emerges. David Michôd’s Animal Kingdom didn’t come out of nowhere; he worked on his style for years through short film making.

The excitement in Harris’s voice is palpable and contagious (especially when talking about the screen at The Astor). I’ll be talking to him as the festival approaches about the program highlights we can expect. As for now, I should be off. I’ve got to catch a train.

Mr. Intern


Monday, 26 March 2012

Good Morning (just)!

'Long time no post' I hear you say. Don't judge me... I've been busy *cough*.

As the (actual) staff have been tapping/calling/negotiating/pulling hair out, this little intern has been reading cute film blogs - one of which I'm linking below. There's unique and inspirational content for animation connoiseurs especially.

A properly written article about the festival preparation from the Festival Director's perspective is coming midweek.

Here's the link to Short of the Week blog :)

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Friday, 16 March 2012

Antici... pation

Good Afternoon!

With just over two months to go, the preparation for the St Kilda Film Festival 2012 is fully underway and excitement (anxiety) for opening night is quickly building in the office. Paul (Festival Director), Adele, Jake, Amber, Angus, Annie, Sophie, Malcolm, Anthoula and Paul (other Paul - sponsorship guy) are the dynamic team at the heart of SKFF. Each has an area of expertise to contribute, from production management to marketing to programming, that I'll investigate in the coming week(s).

The 'Top 100 Short Films' list is being finalised, the 'International Programme' is being fine-tuned and the choice of seating for Opening Night is being heatedly debated. The main energy sources for staff are sushi and strong coffee - a winning combination in any scenario. The harsh fluorescent office lights don't distract from the wonderful array of shorts being scrutinised by staff.

Most recently (at noon today), a team of graphic designers spoiled the staff for choice with an eclectic range of St Kilda Film Festival artwork which will be prevalent on the festival website, Facebook, Twitter, and on this little ol' blog in the coming week (I speculate).  So follow and comment on the upcoming material! I assure you it will be sufficiently urbane (with a trimming of grunge). You WILL want to buy the t-shirt!

Lots of love Kind Regards,


Wednesday, 14 March 2012


Oh, how lovely of you stop by!

Welcome to the 2012 St Kilda Film Festival blog, the 'personal' side of the festival where all the behind-the-scenes theatrics are revealed in explicit detail (well, partially anyway). During the lead-up and festival itself, this blog will be flooded with all kinds of trivia, attempts at humour and interviews with glamorous film folk.

Visit us at the Twitter and Facebook links for vital information... all the FUN stuff will be coming to the blog!


Anonymous Intern
Trial artwork for Facebook page... clearly not Photoshopped!